Connectivity Issues across accounts and devices in EU account-based server
Incident Report for
Great news - is now fully operational, please refresh your browser and try accessing the platform. If you can't immediately connect, please clear your cache and cookies, refresh your page, and try again. If you happen to experience any further unexpected behavior, please reach out to us at!
Posted Sep 07, 2023 - 14:13 UTC
Monitoring should be up and running for accounts based on EU servers. We're still monitoring this behavior to ensure we provide you with an interrupted connection.
Posted Sep 07, 2023 - 13:03 UTC
Our developers have identified the issue. The root cause is 3rd party failure. We are working on re-establishing consistent support for your workflow. We promise to keep you updated, as the work they're doing progresses.
Posted Sep 07, 2023 - 12:31 UTC
At the moment, we're experiencing connectivity issues for some accounts across all devices. Our development team is on the case and diligently working to resolve this matter as quickly as possible.
Posted Sep 07, 2023 - 12:27 UTC
This incident affected: EU (Platform).